Stella Adler Academy of Acting & Theatre – Los Angeles presents a Play Production Three presentation

King Lear

directed by Tim McNeil

assistant directed by Ale Fips and Marina Zoreva

Feb 26-27, 2021

Livian Aragao
Perry Balentine
Vas Batricevic
Steven Bridgeman
Max Brumberg
Andrew Garrett
Maud Guerard
Kara Kerz
Estefania Loaiza
Daria Mazur
Tim McNeil
Yiannis Photinos
Nancy Rumagit
Marina Zoreva

The show will be presented at:

There is no cost to watch, but the suggested donation is $10

You do not need to RSVP to watch the show, but it will give you access to the program, as well as a reminder email the morning of the performance.

Please RSVP at the link above if you are unable to attend any of the listed showtimes.

Thank you, and we hope you enjoy the show!

Stella Adler Academy presents King Lear

Contact Us with Any Questions!

6773 Hollywood Blvd., 2nd Fl.
Los Angeles, CA 90028

(323) 465-4446

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