Part-Time Courses

Students may choose to attend classes part time.

Course Information


Students choosing part-time courses will need to follow the curriculum and cannot take classes that have prerequisites before filling the requirements. Please see the Courses page for full class descriptions and details.

If you are a part time student you may move to full time at any time (and visa versa).

Every class taken will count towards graduation (even if you do not complete in the 2 year time frame).

Term Dates


January 6 - February 28

March 3 - April 25

SCHOOL BREAK: April 28 - May 2

Late Spring
May 5 - June 27

June 30 - August 22

SCHOOL BREAK: August 25 - August 29

Late Summer
September 2 - October 24

October 27 - December 19

Contact Us with Any Questions!

6773 Hollywood Blvd., 2nd Fl.
Los Angeles, CA 90028

(323) 465-4446

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